Family Research

Today has been a varied day in general.

Spent the early part going through boxes and sorting though yesterdays items. Splitting everything into three catagories, those being Sell, Donate/Freecycle, and Trash.

Things that we’re going to sell I photographed since that can help when selling/trading online. I’ve started to post them online to FaceBook, Bunz, Kijiji, and Craigslist. Might post a few though eBay to see if there’s any interest in the item.

<!–more–>While working on posting the items online, I got a little sidetracked. Because a FaceBook group I’d requested to join last year finally approved me to join. This group I’d been waiting to join because it is a group dedicated to British Genealogy. I’d been hitting a brick wall trying to find any info on my dad’s past so was looking for possible hints or help.

Once I got the notice, I popped over to the group and read the members pinned post. Seeing that what I wonted to post and ask about would be alright, I worked on my information that I needed to post. In short order I posted and within 15 minutes I was getting help.

5 hours later, I had gathered more information then I’d been able to put together in the past 6 months for my dad. I learned his mom’s dad had served in WWI and was actually injured then discharged as a result. I learned that his mom’s mom’s maiden name wasn’t what he’d though it to be (which explained why I got 0 hits).

The info that the members where able to help me with were more then I had expected to see. It made me feel good that they where willing to help me find the information. Some of the info they found I had already saved, but because I couldn’t confirm it I’d just put it off to the side. So was nice to see that I’d found some info on my own, even if I’d not been able to confirm it.

Though their help I was lead on a merry chase though various sources online, in looking up info. I’ve added what I found to my Family Search profile with all source information as well, plus a few notes. I find it interesting to have learned a little bit more about my dad’s past that even he didn’t know about before now.

This has given me a good boost for looking up more information. It also explained why some of the records I’d tried to find on my mom’s side where not found, just notations.

Well, post more shortly take care everyone!