ID Style AODA Card
Much like the simple AODA card design this version would have a image of the dog on it plus on the back the AODA regulation for someone to review, however this one wouldn’t be given out to for keeps, but just as a FYI and given back to the handler afterwards.
SMS Single Web page
This is another single page that I created for a client for a SMS seminar that they are going to be putting on. The image of the cell phone that is used was one that I created in photoshop myself for my own project and it seemed to fit this clients needs. The page itself […]
Cruise Single Web Page
The page is created in Dreamweaver using HTML5 with CSS3 thus it is dynamic and conform to various screen’s from mobile screens up to a regular desktop screen.
RS Newsletter for April 2016
This is the final version of the Relief’s Societies April Newsletter for 2016 If you would like to view it online you can click to view the RS Newsletter for April 2016 in PDF format.
Service Dog ID and ICE Information Concept Card
This is another version of the ID style card, only this version has on the reverse side ICE (In Case of Emergency) Information.
Wolf Howl Project Poster
This is the poster design that I came up for the Wolf Howl Project that was taking place here in Toronto, the organizer supplied the wolf image and what needed to be on the poster. The poster was printed and posted around parts of Toronto to promote the event. View Portfolio
Jinx the Lynx Rave Card
Another drawing of a fursona this time of Jinx the Lynx View Portfolio
DVD Cover
This was a concept idea for a friend who lives on the Isle of Man and has been involved in video production over the years, the photo was taken while on vacation there and the DVD case idea was built in Photoshop. View Portfolio